I work best involved in projects that are imaginative and purposeful.
While most of my work has been in the games sector - I am also exploring other spheres of media and community.
“Instead of calling it work, realize it's play.”

CREATIVE STRATEGYCome dream with me.
I offer creative solutions for your project, generating ideas, drafting concepts and helping you refine your message.

COMMUNITY GROWTHCultivate an audience.
I identify how you can provide an open communication approach. I help with tools and frameworks that empower online communities.

CONTENT DESIGNInform. Inspire. Relate.
I create media for the web. I offer services such as copywriting, content guidelines and video production for your project.
What matters to your audience?
If you don't have an audience yet - then I will help you to define one.
- What are your spheres of influence?
- What is your primary and secondary demographic?
- What opportunities are there to reach outside of your target audience?
- What is your message?
- How accessible is your message?
- What are your values?
- What impact do you hope to make beyond your product?
- YouTube content with 15 million+ views
- Top 100 German brands on Facebook in 2012
- 12 years experience with online communities
- Events with conversions rates of 60%+ and ROI of 1000%+
Community Growth
- Consulting
- Tools & Frameworks
- Visibility & Reach
- Content Pipelines
Content Design
- Game Improvement
- Video Production
- Storytelling
- Web Development
- Events & Gamification
- Copywriting & Proofing
Brand Development
- Brand Presentation (30+ Pages)
- Visual Identity
- Concrete Actions & Goals
- Audience Analysis
- Content Recommendations
- Product Research & Roadmap
Find out if ZALMAH is right for your project. Contact